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Thursday, April 26, 2012

1 Samuel 1:18-26

What does it take to change your mood from sad to glad?  When in a funk, a desperate season in life, how do you climb out?

1 Samuel 1:18 (NIV)
She said, "May your servant find favor in your eyes." Then she went her way and ate something, and her face was no longer downcast.

In the case of Hannah, she turned her sadness over to the one who could help her. She poured her heart out to God in prayer.  Then she was encouraged by Eli that all would be well.  She left her problems in God's hands and did not try to take them back.

Hannah found the recipe for emotional peace; prayer, encouragement and faith.  There are days when I could use a dose of this medicine, this formula for joy.  We have been created by a God who wants what is best for us, who wants us to feel safe, secure and sheltered every day.  For me, this Utopian existence is mine because of my relationship with my God.  Those days when I find myself in the midst of a storm and thunder bombs (my grandson's words) are exploding all around, I can turn to God knowing He will provide the pathway to peace.

There is nothing is this world that can give me what I need to face tomorrow with confidence and hope.     As the chorus to an old hymn says, "On Christ the solid Rock I stand, All other ground is sinking sand". This hymn is based on Matthew 7:25-26. Hannah was blessed by God and her desire was fulfilled when He gave her a son.

What is it you are praying for today? What will transform your mood from gloomy to glad? Give up your sad heart to God, seek out a friend who will encourage your actions and then wait upon the Lord.

Read 1 Samuel 1:18-26 here

Listen to 1 Samuel 1:18-26 here

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