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Friday, April 27, 2012

Luke 2:21-32

I wonder if some folks, who don't yet have a relationship with Jesus, think He is not for them.  Could there be some who think Jesus only came to save a chosen few and that He couldn't possibly care about everyone on earth?  I am not sure what I thought before I came to faith; perhaps I didn't think anything.

There is one thing that will get the attention of people and that is often a baby.  Men and women alike will post comments when a picture of a friend's baby is posted.  Why is that?  What do babies represent for us?  Babies are innocent, unblemished and dependent.  They won't hurt us, challenge our actions, or desert us in our time of need.

When Jesus entered this world and our lives, He arrived as a baby so we could love Him before we believed who He was.  But, there were a few who understood His significance, a chosen few to whom God revealed the Truth. Simeon was one of these people and he recognized Jesus the moment he laid eyes on Him.  Simeon knew Jesus was the Messiah, and that God had fulfilled His promised.

Oh, to be able to recognize Jesus every time He steps into my path.  If I would act out my faith, and trust that Jesus will take care of me, I could sleep better at night.  I need the faith of Simeon to put all my trust in God.

Luke 2:30-32 (NIV)
For my eyes have seen your salvation,
which you have prepared in the sight of all people,
a light for revelation to the Gentiles and for glory to your people Israel."

Read Luke 2:21-32 here
Listen to Luke 2:21-32 here

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