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Friday, April 20, 2012

John 17:6-19

Sometimes it is difficult to discern the truth.  When we turn on the television and watch a commercial for a new product, we hear claims of all the value we will receive if we purchase this item.  Advertisements for various drugs offer miraculous cures for what ails us; we are bombarded with claims that subscribing to a health facility or spa will instantly change our appearance, health and love life.  We won't even mention the promises from politicians.

So what is the truth?  How do we recognize truth with all the white noise surrounding us?  As Jesus was preparing to walk the road to His death, he prayed for His Disciples.  He asked His Father to sanctify them, to set them apart, by the truth.  God's Word is truth, and walking in this truth, practicing living as the Word prescribes keeps us in the truth.

John 17:17-18 (NIV)
"Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth.
As you sent me into the world, I have sent them into the world."

Many of us can testify to life before we became Christians, before we learned about the joy of living in truth, how every day was filled with anxiety and turmoil.  The Evil one prowls the earth looking to consume us, wanting to destroy our joy.  He is known as the great deceiver and wants to steal our peace of mind.  Jesus was praying for the disciples because He was preparing to send them into the world, a world that doesn't know the truth and sees only darkness.

Life lived in the open is filled with light, there are no dark corners, no fear of being found out; there is joy in truth.
Read John 17:6-19 here

Listen to John 17:6-19 here

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