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Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Mark 14:17-31

During Holy Week, as we walk the road Jesus did, remembering the suffering and pain He endured, I am reminded of the betrayal He must have felt.  The betrayal of a close friend is something that is difficult to get over.  I wonder, did Jesus reflect on Judas' disloyalty has he was being scourged?  Did Jesus see Judas' face when he looked into the eyes of this tormentors?

Betrayal is a difficult thing to get over, it is hard to move past feelings of someone's unfaithfulness.  Judas must have professed his love for Jesus at one time, when did that change?  What happened to cause his behavior to become so radical.  It is one thing to spread a lie about another in order for us to feel better and important; but to send someone to his death is another.  It is irrevocable.

“When evening came, Jesus arrived with the Twelve. While they were reclining at the table eating, he said, 'Truly I tell you, one of you will betray me—one who is eating with me. '(Mark 14:17-18)

This scenario gives me pause to ask myself, "Do my actions match my words?"  Does my yes mean yes and my no mean no?  Integrity is the cornerstone of civilization.  When I can't be trusted to be true to my friends, I need to step back and examine my heart.  Holy Week is a most perfect time to do things like this; we reflect on Jesus' journey and we take stock of our own.

Forgiveness is ours for the asking.  Judas could have repented, begged for Jesus to forgive and even though it would not have changed Jesus' destiny, it would have changed the future for Judas.  Forgiveness will change our destiny too, whether we are asking for it or granting it to someone.

Read Mark 14:17-31 here

Listen to Mark 14:17-31 here

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