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Monday, April 16, 2012

Psalm 25:1-15

"In you, LORD my God,
I put my trust."
(Psalm 25:1)

From these words begin a great adventure. Who do you trust?  Trust is something that doesn't come easily for us, especially once we have been disappointed by someone.  Trust usually has to be earned.  When we cultivate a friendship or any new relationship we don't automatically trust to the point of sharing personal pain. It takes time spent learning about the person.  We gradually get to know someone well enough to recognize if they are trustworthy.  It doesn't take long.

It is the same with our relationship with God; we must get to know Him and experience His love and goodness and then we come to trust Him, to take Him at His Word.  If you have spent any time writing in a journal, you can more than likely page through and find places where you asked God's advice, or for His guidance or wisdom.  Now continue and find the answers to those prayers.

Are you as amazed as I, to discover that not only was He faithful and trustworthy, but the answers to our prayers far exceeded expectations?  I also discover that God cares about the small prayer requests I have made.  For example, when my husband was sick and have having a particularly grumpy day, he asked for his glasses.  I couldn't find them.  Dave asked for so little during the final days of his illness, that I desperately wanted to get those glasses to him.  I prayed for God's help.  The one-line note on the top of my journal page that day read: "Thank you God for finding Dave's glasses."

Trust in Him, He will not disappoint.  He can be trusted to find your glasses just as readily as he can be trusted to perform miracles in your life.

Read Psalm 25:1-15 here

Listen to Psalm 25:1-15 here

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