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Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Psalm 86

David wrote many of the Psalms while he was in hiding from King Saul.  He spent years on the run, living in caves, dodging the enemy and crying out to God.  I often wonder if I would still be calling out to God, still believing he existed, still waiting for that glorious day when I would be redeemed, after years of life on the lamb.

I don't ponder that question any longer for I have come to realize we all have a King Saul pursuing us.  We all fear some entity that might attack at a moment's notice.  We all have days of doubt, panic, fear and pain, it only looks different in different lives.  I am not down-playing the life of King David, only illustrating that humans are always on the run.  We live life fleeing the very one who could save us, who could make our life complete.

"Bend an ear, God; answer me. I'm one miserable wretch! 
   Keep me safe—haven't I lived a good life? 
Help your servant—I'm depending on you! 
You're my God; have mercy on me. 
I count on you from morning to night. 
Give your servant a happy life; 
I put myself in your hands!" (Psalm 86:1-3)

David turned to God through all kinds of trouble and joy.  He recognized his God to be all-caring, he knew he could pour out his heart and he would be heard.  We too can pour out our heart to God every day.  If it is a good season in our life or the worst, God will hear us and He will be the comforter we need in every situation.  My journals are filled with examples of God's goodness in my life.  Every day is a new adventure and every day is a new opportunity to let God be God.  Take an example out of David's prayer life and use it in your life today.  You will be blessed.

Read Psalm 86 here

Listen to Psalm 86 here

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