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Wednesday, May 2, 2012

2Timothy 1:3-13

Believers have the Holy Spirit at their command.  They can call upon God to send His Holy Spirit and He will.  The Spirit provides wisdom and understanding and these two gifts empower Believers to move forward with confidence.  Along with this burst of confidence comes responsibility to exhibit love and self-discipline.

Paul's letter to Timothy was meant to bolster up Timothy's ego, his faith in his ability to lead those who were older than he was.  It is refreshing to realize God doesn't consider age when administering leadership qualities. He doesn't refrain from doling out gifts that allow a young person to lead a ministry or a mission.

"For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid,but gives us power, love and self-discipline." 
(2 Timothy 1:7)

We are neither too old nor too young to step up and step out for Jesus.  It doesn't require a mantle of graying hair to step out in front of the pack.  Timothy was a young man, but he had what it took to guide people to Jesus.  He had been mentored by one of the best and came highly recommended by that man.

Many soldiers are in their teens when they enter into battle, but they have been well trained.  These young men are prepared physically, to guard and protect.  Christian soldiers are also well trained individuals who are ready to go to battle to bravely protect and  boldly project the Truth.

Read 2 Timothy 1:3-13 here

Listen to 2 Timothy 1:3-13 here

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