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Sunday, May 27, 2012

The Holy Spirit Lives

Go Team Tebow!

John 15: 26-27

“We’ve got spirit yes we do! We’ve got spirit how ‘bout you?”
Then the other team’s fans chant back.
 “We’ve got sprit yes we do. We’ve got spirit how 'bout you?”
Back and forth it goes, until the team huddle is over and play resumes.
The SPIRIT that explodes on the field or court can be infectious. We become taken in by the excitement of the moment. The fun, competition and relationship we have with one another as we support a common cause brings perfect strangers together. We smile, laugh, and talk with those we have never seen before and likely never will again.

How cool it would be, if it were that easy to spread the SPIRIT of the Lord. How awesome, if on Sunday morning we saw Jesus jerseys instead of those illustrating love for the Browns, Bengals, Packers and Cowboys.

Jesus reminded His disciples again and again that He would not be with them long. He promised to send the Counselor, the Spirit of truth who would be with them forever. This Holy Spirit remains, supports us and speaks to us daily. Jesus said that the world would hate the disciples as He was hated. “…the prince of this world now stands condemned.” As a believer who is becoming more and more brave about sharing my belief, I often feel like an outsider. Many I used to know do not care to associate with me any longer. I have been judged and persecuted in many ways because of my conviction. At first I had a very difficult time with that, but as the years have passed, I have strategically been strengthened by the Holy Spirit, and more clearly understand my purpose. The Holy Spirit does not come to us with a Go Team Go cheer, but with a quiet love and passion for the truth about sin and righteousness. It is our job to take it, and run with it! My prayer is that we, as believers continue to grow in the SPIRIT, and trust that still, small voice that is there to guide us. In order to hear it though, we must be still………. Then, LET THE GAME BEGIN!

Listen to John 15:26-27 and John 16:5-15 here

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