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Saturday, May 26, 2012

Acts 2

"They were all together in one place." (Acts 2:1)

This is a powerful verse to me.  Do you get any mental pictures after reading this?  I see lots of things, most of them make me smile and provide fond memories.  First I see my church family standing side-by side singing along with the Praise Team at a Worship Service.  Then I vision a family reunion many years ago and a special moment where my husband, his mother, sister and five brothers were perfectly preserved for all time in one of those photos that just happened.

There are other scenes this scripture captures for me as well, like the morning of my first mission trip while the team was waiting for the last member to arrive and it was getting dangerously close to departure and finally, "They were all together in one place." My mind's eye is looking at other pictures too: the sanctuary on the eve of my husband's memorial service, the yearly family Christmas photo, Thursday nights when my small group regularly met and so many more.

What do you see? More important, what do you feel about this fellowship thing, this one-anothering concept? I have so many images in my mind right now and most of them cause a fond memory to stir.   Why not take a moment to listen to Acts 2 then examine your thoughts about the words you hear.  When the disciples and all followers of that day think back, they probably remembered that they were all together in one place when this miraculous moment took place and the Holy Spirit filled them.

Read Acts 2 here

Listen to Acts 2 here

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