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Monday, June 11, 2012

1 Peter 4:12-19

Do you find encouragement from your troubles? Do you jump for joy when sadness enters your world? Perhaps, after the fact, I am able to feel upbeat and reassured of God's presence.  Reading further in my commentary I understand what is being said; because Jesus was hated by the world, we are as well.  We are in good company.  In that respect, I feel much encouragement.  I consider it a privilege to be persecuted for the sake of Jesus.

At the same time, I feel totally inadequate and oh, so unworthy.  I believe I have written a couple times of my fears of not being up to the task.  I am afraid if push comes to shove I might not be willing to claim Jesus as my Savior.  I am not very brave, nor do I have a high tolerance for pain.  But, I do have faith and I do pray for God to 'help my unbelief'.

1 Peter 4:12 (NIV) 
"Dear friends, do not be surprised at the painful trial you are suffering, as though something strange were happening to you." 

The more I think about this, the more I realize that every season we encounter is one of testing and growing my/our faith.  The year our family experienced 3 deaths within 3 weeks of each other is one of the first examples I bring to mind.  This was early in my journey toward a personal relationship with Jesus.  It did make me stronger because I was forced to cling to my faith as my world was shaken.

So, what I am hearing these verses and some others say is this, "get ready, this is just the beginning.  Just because you are a Christians doesn't exempt you from pain, persecution or repression."  Life does not suddenly become all roses and chocolate.  Actually in some respects life gets a bit tougher because we can now see more clearly, especially when we are looking with our Spiritual Eyes (as Pastor Josh says).  When our Spiritual Eyes are working we see clearly those who are hurting and those who are causing the hurt.

Do you have any examples of this?  Are there painful trials you are suffering?

Read 1 Peter 4:12-19 here

Listen to 1 Peter 4:12-19 here

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