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Sunday, June 10, 2012

Luke 10:25-37

Being a “Good Samaritan” can mean many things. In this reading, Jesus tells the story of a Jewish man who was beaten, robbed, and left by the road side. Two men, a priest and a Levite (one of those who took care of the temple) passed him by, while a Samaritan man took him, tended to his wounds, and left him with an inn keeper to care for him until his return. The Samaritan told the inn keeper he would reimburse him for any expenses. Samaritans were looked down upon by the Jews, as their beliefs were somewhat different than theirs. This Samaritan disregarded their differences and cared for the man. He carried out God’s word. He unselfishly did “What is written in the Law” as Jesus put it.

Luke 10: 27 “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind; and Love your neighbor as yourself.” That’s a great deal of love, day and night, all the time. It is His directive to us with no room for exceptions or days off to rest. We are to love ALL of our neighbors, no matter what their beliefs, behaviors, or background. That is very, very difficult to do. As we look around, we see people doing things we disagree with. We observe immoral actions and war with enemies. We watch mistreatment and disregard for the feelings of others and we stand by. Jesus uses the Samaritan story as an example, just as he illustrates what is good and true within all of his parables. He uses them to teach us. We are to heed His warnings, and behave in similar ways.

I pray that we will keep His word in our hearts, souls, and minds as we journey through each day God gives us upon this earth. We are here to love and serve our Lord, and others. Our purpose is to live out the truth of God’s word and reach people for Christ. 

Read Luke 10:25-37 here
Listen to Luke 10:25-37 here

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