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Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Daniel 6:6-13

Has anyone ever played a cruel trick on you, or tried to fool you into thinking or acting contrary to how you really wanted?  Many of us have experienced something like this by someone who has had a specific agenda.  Often these experiences were harmless enough, meant only to be funny or at the most to put us in our place.  Our scripture verses today from the Book of Daniel went a little further than a prank.

Prideful behavior fills this sixth chapter of Daniel. Lust for power and control drove King Darius' leaders to enter into a power struggle for the King's favor and to better their situation. Daniel was soon to be made the head administrator over the kingdom and they did not want this 'man of God' in that position.  They wanted the power in their hands.

King Darius played right into their hands because he too struggled with a prideful heart.  His men were able to convince him that he was a god to them and worthy of all their prayers and praise.  They duped the king into making an official royal decree that everyone was to pray only to him and no other under the penalty of death by lion's den.

“The royal administrators, prefects, satraps, advisers and governors have all agreed that the king should issue an edict and enforce the decree that anyone who prays to any god or human being during the next thirty days, except to you, Your Majesty, shall be thrown into the lions’ den.” 
(Daniel 6:7)

Daniel was the only one who wasn't in on this plan; he was the object of the deception. King Darius loved Daniel but was powerless to save him from the punishment.  Daniel was faithful to the king, but more importantly he was faithful to God.  He considered prayer to the One True God something worth dying for, and while King Darius was powerless, God was not. Until tomorrow when we hear...the rest of the story...consider times in your life where pride got you into a boatload of trouble and God came to your rescue.

Won't you share one of those stories here or via email?  I will share one of mine here tomorrow.

Read Daniel 6:6-13 here

Listen to Daniel 6:6-13 here


sheila said...

3 months after I married my first husband, I fould out he was living as a gay man most of his life. A fact neither He nor his family told me about. Being a "strong christian woman" I felt it was my duty and responsibility to save him. To change him. to make him the man I wanted him to be. I told no one I was ashamed of him, I was too proud of myself to ask for help. I took his abuse (in everyway) for nearly 6 years before I left him, I went thru hell and back with him. Then God had my (our) son tell my mom at 4 that daddy was mean to mommy...and that was it. I told her and my bestie everything. I got out, got a divorce and 6 years later married my very first love, my teenage years crush. God brought us togehter thru our Pastor! We have been married 7 wonderful years and have 1 boy each. We however could not have kids together we have incompatable blood. So God allowed us to go thru the Hell Fires of two bad marriages with cheating spouces, too pridefull to leave untill we had no choice left other than die...then...allowed us to find each other and get married and have our kiddos!

Judy Webb said...

Thank you, Sheila, We do serve an amazing God. It will be so nice to see you often again. -Judy

sheila said...

thank Judy, I miss seeing you often too!