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Friday, June 22, 2012

Esther 3:1-9

Did you know God's name is not mentioned in the Hebrew text of Esther? But, the beautiful story it is all about faith and trust in the One True God. The story of Esther is also one of hatred of the Jews and revenge and deceit directed by Haman, the Kings most honored nobleman.  When Esther's Jewish caregiver, Mordecai, would not bow down and worship Haman, as the other royal officials did, Haman wanted to get even.  But he decided again killing Mordecai, making plans to destroy all of Mordecai's people.  This was a scary time to be Jewish.

Haman was a decedent of the Amalekites, ancient enemies of the Israelites.  The hatred he felt was ingrained in him from childhood much like the fabled Hatfield and McCoy feud.  Hatred knows no reasoning or rational, only revenge.

Mordecai's actions were not the safest ones to take, but he was a faithful man of God and would not worship other gods.  This did not make him very popular in the palace.  We can remember that Daniel's three friends had the same convictions.  Mordecai was also one of those who were taken into captivity by King Nebuchadnezzar.

"When Haman saw for himself that Mordecai didn't bow down and kneel before him, he was outraged. Meanwhile, having learned that Mordecai was a Jew, Haman hated to waste his fury on just one Jew; he looked for a way to eliminate not just Mordecai but all Jews throughout the whole kingdom of Xerxes." (Esther 3:5-6)

This is another story of pride getting in the way of loving our neighbor. We could parallel this story with our times today. Christians are often outcasts for attending church on Sunday or participating in a Christian Small Group when they could accept their neighbor's invitation to a round of golf instead of church. Because of our faith, our priorities are different. Because of Mordecai's belief in God, his priorities were different too.

Perhaps the parallel is unbalanced, but someday it won't be. Someday we will be persecuted severely, as many of our brothers and sisters in other countries are right now. Let's remember them in our prayers.

Read Esther 3:1-9 here

Listen to Esther 3:1-9 here

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