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Sunday, June 24, 2012

Esther 4:3-16 (One Woman Risks All)

Esther became queen of Persia, after the queen prior to her was removed from her position because of disobeying King Xerxes. In those days even a queen had no say so. She was at the beckoned call of the king and there were strict rules about how a queen was to conduct herself. Queen Esther was a Jew, but did not reveal that when she was presented to the king. 

Esther was very beautiful, which is what got her the job of queen in the first place. It is also what got the king to listen to her appeal when it was most needed because of a conspiracy to kill all Jews in the region. Reading this scripture reminds me of today’s government. It is difficult to know who is working for what cause, what the reason is for many things that transpire, and who can be trusted.

It also makes me think about our Christian faith and how similar it may be to the way Esther conducted herself while living within the king’s domain. Did she secretly carry out her Jewish beliefs?  Perhaps. Did she boldly proclaim her faith and attempt to educate others of the Jewish faith? That is unlikely because she would not have maintained her position as queen. Maybe there was a small group of believers within the palace she was ministering to. Whatever the case, when the time came, she was willing to put her own life on the line for her people. She knew that if the king did not summon her and she approached him, she could be put to death. She played the political game, took a chance, and the Jews were saved. It’s one thing to read about these stories of nobility, but yet another to actually put ourselves in the position Esther did and lay down our life. 
We are very blessed to live in a time when that is not necessary……….. or is it?

Read Esther 4:3-16 here
Listen to Esther 3 and 4 here

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