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Monday, June 25, 2012

Joshua 1:1-9

Moses' job was a big one!  He had the responsibility of leading over a million people out of bondage and into freedom; something the people had not experienced for many years.  With freedoms come new responsibilities, new realities and a new way of living out life.  God's people, whom Moses was guiding, had much to learn before they could live free. Now, Moses' life was over and the man he had worked alongside and prepared for this assignment would be taking on the leadership mantle and walking his people into the Promised Land.

"After the death of Moses the servant of God, God spoke to Joshua, Moses' assistant: 'Moses my servant is dead. Get going. Cross this Jordan River, you and all the people. Cross to the country I'm giving to the People of Israel. I'm giving you every square inch of the land you set your foot on—just as I promised Moses.'" (Joshua 1:1-3)

Joshua was the man Moses had mentored and prepared for this day. Moses did not live to see God's promise fulfilled, but Joshua did.  He had the great privilege and tremendous responsibility to see to the last leg of one journey and the first leg of yet another. Do you think he was overwhelmed, or do you think he felt blessed?

I am feeling a bit awe struck simply reading the lesson for today.  I can sense some of the sorrow Joshua may have felt at Moses' death and also some of the invigoration coursing through his heart as God speaks to him and tells him to "Be strong and strong and very courageous..."(Joshua 1:6,7) God further promises to be with him where ever he goes.

All these promises and commands are for us too.  Every time He gives us a new assignment in this life, He enables us to complete it.  He gives us His Word to teach and guide us.  He provides teachers and mentors to show us the way.  He encourages us to find friends, accountability partners to learn from and with.  He wants us to practice one another-ing to the fullest. 

Finding or forming a small group is one way to do this.  Do you have a group you learn from?  Are you part of a nurturing community or do you have someone who can disciple you on the road, as Joshua?  Let's read and enjoy the book of Joshua during July and August.  Let's soak up everything we can and learn from one of God's chosen.

Read Joshua 1:1-9 here

Listen to Joshua 1:1-9 here

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