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Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Joshua 2:1-14

This is an amazing story.  One filled with protagonists and antagonists, all lining up to tell a story of faith of a new believer.  This is a mystery that ranks right up there with the great spy novels of today.  There are shady characters, kings, prostitutes and a few heroes here and there.

The unlikely cast of heroes is two spies, who are working for Joshua and Rahab, a prostitute from Jericho.  It is in Jericho where we find the spies, checking out the land in preparation for take over.  They entered Rahab's dwelling and she hid them from the King and his men.

"Before the spies were down for the night, the woman came up to them on the roof and said, "I know that God has given you the land. We're all afraid. Everyone in the country feels hopeless. We heard how God dried up the waters of the Red Sea before you when you left Egypt, and what he did to the two Amorite kings east of the Jordan, Sihon and Og, whom you put under a holy curse and destroyed. We heard it and our hearts sank. We all had the wind knocked out of us. And all because of you, you and God, your God, God of the heavens above and God of the earth below." (Joshua 2:8-11 MSG)

As the story moves forward we discover that Rahab is beginning to be a believer.  It seems the reputation of Moses and Joshua and all their adventures which brought them to this place, are popular well known.  The people heard of all the miracles God performed for the Israelites on their freedom march.  The people of Jericho are afraid.

So, why isn't Rahab filled with fear?  Is it her faith and the bit of hope she now can feel that is making the difference?  She is more willing to invoke the wrath of the rulers of her country than to reveal the hiding place of the two spies.  The end of this story is even more amazing.  So, what do you think you would do if you were in Rahab's shoes?  Would you risk everything to help these potential invaders?

Once we allow God into our hearts, He will change everything about us.  He will mold our hearts to follow him, to trust when it isn't what would be normal behavior. Like Rahab, we too can make a difference in the lives of many people.  We just have to Believe and Trust.

Read Joshua 2:1-14 here

Listen to Joshua 2:1-14 here

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