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Thursday, June 28, 2012

Joshua 2:15-24

Genealogy is a fascinating study.  It takes a lot of time because once you get into it, you can get caught up in the exciting stories and adventures our ancestors experienced. Studying one's family tree can get downright embarrassing too.  We never know what we might discover.  Perhaps great-great grandmother owned a gaming parlor, or great-great grandpa ran with a band of bank robbers. But, you could also learn that a distant cousin is a movie star or famous author.

King David can look back at his roots and find Rahab, the prostitute who also was the heroine who was used by God to help His people into the Promised Land.  God used Rahab and her house as a door into the promised land.  As the Life Application Study guide says, it was a door of safety for her family from the judgment that was going to fall on Jericho.

This story and its cast of characters points out to us that God can use us no matter what we have done in the past.  God can and will use those of us who are willing to be used by Him, and our family tree does not make a difference. Rahab was instrumental in God's plan, she was faithful to her promise to the two spies and in turn she and her family made history.

Joshua 2:15-16 (MSG)
"She lowered them down out a window with a rope because her house was on the city wall to the outside. She told them, "Run for the hills so your pursuers won't find you. Hide out for three days and give your pursuers time to return. Then get on your way."

We will have to wait until chapter 6 to learn the rest of the story, but it is worth the wait. Just like it is worth the wait to see how God will answer our faithfulness. More tomorrow...

Read Joshua 2:15-24 here

Listen to Joshua 2:15-24 here

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