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Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Judges 4:1-10

Too often we find ourselves in a fix.  Too often mistakes of the past come back to haunt us once again.  Too often we do not learn from the past, but jump right in with both feet and discover we are in over our heads.  There is a saying in the recovery world that goes something like..."We do the same things over and over expecting different results."  Isn't that true of human nature?

The fact that history repeats itself is the mark of man not learning from past mistakes.  My years in recovery have taught me to work my program.  For me it means that I must "let go and let God."  It means that I am not in control now, and that I never have been. Also, I have learned through Celebrate Recovery, the Christian 12-Step program, that God is there for me.  All I need to do is call out to Him, give up my strong-willed tendencies to Him.

The text today is of a time when "the Israelite's once again did evil in the eyes of the Lord, (doing the same thing over and expecting different results). The Lord turned them over to the enemy.  Has your behavior ever resulted in you feeling like you have been turned over to the enemy?  Sometimes our consciences can make it feel like this. The sinking feeling in your gut is a dead give-away.  This sick feeling should be a signal for us to stop, think about it, and make a course correction in our lives.

Once the Israelites recognized the enemy and acknowledged the deep seriousness of their situation,  "...they cried to the LORD for help." (Judges 4:30)  No matter how many times we fail, we always have the option to "cry to the LORD." 

Read Judges 4:1-10 here

Listen to Judges 4:1-10 here

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