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Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Exodus 2:8-21

It is interesting to note when reading the lessons for today how very human Moses was.  Now, if you only know the famous parts of the Book of Exodus, you have become familiar with the very holy and Spirit filled person.  When reading from the beginning in chapter two we see a man who acts on impulse and whose actions were quite violent.  He murdered "an Egyptian man who was beating a Hebrew, one of Moses' own." (Exodus 2:11) The interesting part here is the verse 12. "Glancing this way and that and seeing no one, he killed the Egyptian and hid him in the sand."

We only take a quick look around like that when we are about to do something we want no one to witness.  Children are experts at this, as it doesn't take long to realize "what they don't know won't hurt me."  Moses obviously understood his actions were wrong, because he hid the body afterwards.

Does this story take some of the luster off of the man for you?  Or does it make him more real?  While it can be disappointing to know one of our heroes sinned like this, it helps us to grasp just how loving and forgiving our God is.  I have a better understanding of Grace and how Grace impacts my future.  Knowing how God used Moses in the way He did encourages me.

Now, when I find myself looking both ways to see if anyone is watching, I hope to catch myself before I act improperly.  But, for those times I fail I am so thankful God can still use me, sin-filled person that I am, for His glory.  What a God we serve!

Read Exodus 2:8-21 here

Listen to Exodus 2:8-21 here

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