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Thursday, June 7, 2012

Psalm 18:30-34

I current journal I am using is made from recycled products.  The cover has a rustic feel to it, similar to the feel of thick paper bags.  I found it is perfect because I can design the cover myself.  Each day as I journal I am usually led to a scripture that touches or moves me.  I have started noting those that are so meaningful I want to remember them, and see them often.  So, I have started to write those verses on the cover - front and back - of this book. I find myself drawn to these Words often, and the Holy Spirit has used this practice to get these verses embedded in my memory.  No small feat for sure.

One of the verses which grace the cover is, "As for God, His way is perfect, the Word of the LORD is flawless.  He is a shield for all who take refuge in Him." (Psalm 18:30)  In troubled times these words offer comfort, in stress-filled situations, the Christians can take heart, God has the problem covered.  When we walk through valleys, hide in dark corners or seek comfort for broken relationships, God is our refuge.

What is it that you need refuge from?  Is something breaking your heart or devastating your Spirit and you need refuge?  God is that shelter, He is that peace and comfort.  Sometimes he will even show us a place He wants us to go to so we can find Him.  For instance, my year in Eagle River, WI was just that for me.  It was a place for me to grieve, to find peace and come to grips with my new life.  I was very blessed to have had such a beautiful background for my time.  God blessed me as He drew me closer to Him.  He will do that for you too.

It will probably look and feel different than my respite and I would love to hear about it.  Let's share with one another how God has helped us through difficult seasons, how He has nurtured and nourished weary hearts.

This week I am writing on six of my favorite verses. Each of these verses God used to speak to me in some way during the first five months of this year.  I would love to hear from each of you, about your favorite verses too, and how God used them to show his love in your life.  Feel free to comment below or if you prefer, you can email me here.

Read Psalm 18:30-34 here

Listen to Psalm 18:30-34 here

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