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Friday, June 8, 2012

Psalm 25:4-7

Are you in a season of contentment or one of discontent?  We all experience these times, and for a variety of reasons.  For one it may be that we have been doing the same thing for so long, there doesn't seem to be any relief from the repetition or monotony of a job.  We find we have become so adept at what we do; there is no challenge any more.

Another source of discontent is the feeling of restlessness; wanting to accomplish something meaningful, to know that your life had meaning, that some part of your world has been changed for the better because you were in it.  Sometimes our discontent stems from changes that have taken place in our life and we cannot make sense of it.

That is where I found myself March 30 of this year.  I was journaling some questions to God, asking Him why I wasn't light-hearted anymore and wondering if I ever would be again.  I wrote, "I need to find balance and purpose in my life.  Is a job outside this house something to consider?  Am I to return to my Ohio home?  My discontent was becoming obvious, and once I recognized my emotional state as one of discontentment I was able to pray accordingly.

As I do every day, I asked God to give me a Word for today.  Psalm 25:4 was His response to me.  "Show me your ways, O LORD.  Teach me your paths." So, my prayers changed and I began to ask God to show me what He wants with me.  I began praying for Him to reveal a glimpse of what my life could or should be like.  I was learning how to rid myself of discontent and fill my heart and spirit with joy and peace.

How about you?  How are you feeling about yourself, your life?  Are you fulfilled or are you questioning the reason for your existence. God can help give you a new lease on life.  How? Talk to Him, be open to new ideas, get advice from trusted friends.  God will work through others to help you fill your life and your heart.

This week I am writing on six favorite verses. Each of these verses God used to speak to me in some way during the first five months of this year.  I would love to hear from each of you, about your favorite verses, and how God used them to show his love in your life. Feel free to comment below or if you prefer, you can email me here.

Read Psalm 25:4-7 here

Listen to Psalm 25:4-7 here

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