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Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Psalm 56:9-11

I have spent a lot of time reading from the Book of Psalms and have found they speak loudly to me. They convict me, console me and challenge me.  King David, the author of most of the Psalms, had lots of troubles, even though he is considered to be, "A man after God's heart."  He struggled greatly over the years with sin, as we all do.

David had this wonderful relationship with God.  He could cry out to Him for help when he felt his very life was threatened.  He could turn to Him and beg forgiveness for his sins.  He could be himself before God, and never fear God's rejection.  He knew God because he stayed close to Him.  He seemed to hold a steady conversation with His Lord, baring all of his heart to the One True God.

God wants us to have this kind of relationship with Him.  He wants to hear from us all the time.  He desires our adoration and love and respect.  He wants us to worship Him 24/7.  During the months I was alone in northern Wisconsin I learned to lean on Him every day.  I lived a fairly isolated existence during this season, and I spoke to God all the time.  First thing in the morning I would communicate with Him by writing in my journal all my fears.  I discovered they were many.

It took a while for me to understand the need to surrender these fears to Him.  I wasn't afraid being alone, I wasn't spooked or anything like that.  No, my fears usually were related to my finances.  I was so secure for the past 5 years or so that I feared having to go back to my previous ways of living paycheck to paycheck.  God took me to task for that and taught me to give up control of these things to Him.  I have to admit, that is still a struggle for me, but I am working on it.

During this time I kept asking myself, "what is the worst that could happen?"  I seemed to come up with the same answer, "nothing could be worse than what I had just been through."  My finances, or rather my fear of not having any, took on a new perspective. The Psalm 56:11 words spoke to me.

"In God I trust and am not afraid.
    What can man do to me?" 
These words help me daily when I worry about something that God has under His control.  I know He doesn't need any help from me.  You too, have probably faced a few giants recently and can ask the same question, "what can man do to me?"  Freeing isn't it?

This week I am writing on six favorite verses. Each of these verses God used to speak to me in some way during the first five months of this year.  I would love to hear from each of you, about your favorite verses, and how God used them to show his love in your life.  Feel free to comment below or if you prefer, you can email me here.

Read Psalm 56:9-11 here

Listen to Psalm 56:9-11 here

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