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Monday, June 4, 2012

2 Samuel 22:29-31

"You never learn faith in comfortable surroundings."  A.B. Simpson

Don't you find the most powerful lessons you learn are those which caused the most struggle?  It is true for me that I must wrestle with a thought or idea before it can mature, or come full circle.  Maybe that is why I love to brainstorm with people.  The creative energy that 4 or 5 different minds can bring to a project is astounding and energizing.  As my fellow team mates and I dive into the deep end and get a sense of just how far over our heads the water really is, we also come to realize that it only takes one buoyant idea to be tossed into the mix for each of us to grab on.

When a seemingly impossible task at home, project at work, or life in general overwhelms us, it is God who will save us, who will show us the way.  We all know just how difficult things can get and how puzzled we sometimes are as we trudge through, learning as we go.  There are some situations we just cannot prepare for, we just have to be prayed up daily, always ready to turn to God for our needs.

It was the morning following the one year anniversary of my husband's death when I was reading from one of my devotionals, and remembering just how difficult the past year had been, yet how I was feeling like I had come out on the other side of my grief.  I was praising God for His faithfulness and when I turned to Scripture I was reminded of God's promise to always be there for us and with us.  "...with my God I can scale a wall."  2 Samuel 22:30

I do feel like this often, but especially after spending time in His Word.  On those occasions when I will dedicate a day to prayer and fasting, His power is even more evident.  I pray that you too experience God's presence in your life.  I hope you hear Him talking to your heart and guiding your spirit when you need it most.  But mostly I pray that you hear Him even in the calm.

Read 2 Samuel 22:29:31 here

Listen to 2 Samuel 22:29-31 here

This week I am writing on six of my favorite verses.  I thought this might be interesting.  Each of these verses God used to speak to me in some way during the first five months of this year.  I would love to hear from each of you, about your favorite verse, and how God used it to show his love in your life.  Feel free to comment below or if you prefer, you can email me here.

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