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Saturday, July 14, 2012

Joshua 13:1-7

There are times I feel like I might be running out of daylight. As I get older and hopefully wiser, I discover that many of my dreams have yet to be accomplished. Now that I have more hours in my day (because I no longer keep a busy schedule caring for family, providing transportation to school events and doing mounds of laundry), I should be in the perfect position to pursue a dream or two. I find that while I might have the time and the desire; I no longer have the energy or stamina.

Joshua 13:1 (NIV)
When Joshua was old and well advanced in years, the LORD said to him, "You are very old, and there are still very large areas of land to be taken over.
Joshua may have had the same thoughts and feelings as I, as it is said he was around 100 years old at the time God spoke the words above. The point I am making is that God recognizes when we age, He understands that our time is shorter and that we can’t do everything we used to do, but He still wants to use us. We still have value to Him as a servant. God wants to use us to reach others until the last day we spend on this earth.

I have heard many retirees say, “Let the younger people do that, I have served my time.” While it may be true that some of the things we did as young adults should be continued by those with youth on their side, there are many places that only the wisdom of an older Christian can best serve.

God did not put Joshua out to pasture even on his 100th birthday. No, He still had work for his faithful servant to complete.  After all, there are 12 more chapters in the Book of Joshua for us to discover together.  I wonder how else God is going to use this man?

Read Joshua 13:1-7 here

Listen to Joshua 13:1-7 here

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