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Sunday, July 15, 2012

Joshua 3:14-4:9, 15-24

The Ark of the Covenant was in their hands. In case you are not clear on what that is: It contained the Ten Commandments, a jar of manna and Aaron’s staff. Sometimes called the Arc of the Testimony, this treasure was typically kept inside the Most Holy Place in the tabernacle, and was a reminder to the Israeli people of God’s presence. As Joshua forged ahead taking the place of Moses, he directed the Israelites according to God’s will. Upon following the Lord’s commands, amazing things happened that will be spoken of forever, as God planned. The moment the priests carrying the Arc of the Covenant set foot in the Jordan, the once flood stage waters abruptly stopped, and stood up in a heap. So I guess we can say that they had to get their feet wet in order to truly realize the incredible magnitude of God’s power.   

We don’t even have to get our feet wet. We have the covenant, God’s promise just waiting for us. His word is good and righteous. Many of us seem to be waiting around for a revelation like the Israelites had. Great water ways are not likely to open up and enable us to enter into a new world where our problems are left behind. We may be deeply affected by situations we are longing to be rescued from and it’s just not happening, so we feel as though the Lord is not here for us. He is here indeed. His spirit is alive within us. Perhaps a miracle is not what's needed, but simply an awakening to His purpose. As we focus on being still, looking to the bible and seeking others the Lord has placed in our lives for support and guidance, in His timing perhaps our own little miracles will be revealed.  

Read Joshua 3:14-4:24 here
Listen to Joshua 3:14-4:24 here

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