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Thursday, August 2, 2012

Joshua 20

Cities of Refuge - This is such an interesting concept, for who among us hasn't found themselves in need of a place of refuge at some point in life.  Forming cities like this was a common practice in Biblical times.  We see in Numbers 35:9-28 and again in Deuteronomy 19:1-13 how God commanded the people to provide a place of shelter and safety for anyone one accused of murder to seek refuge until such a time as his guilt or innocence were declared.

"When he flees to one of these cities, he is to stand in the entrance of the city gate and state his case before the elders of that city. Then they are to admit him into their city and give him a place to live with them." (Joshua 20:4)

God commanded the Israelite people to make a similar safe haven in the Promised Land.  While these communities were set up to provide a place for some who have been caught up in a tangled web trouble.  It was a form of law and order intended to prevent injustice, and giving the proper authorities time to sort through the facts.

My friends, have you ever needed a place of refuge?  Have you ever encountered such heart ache or trouble that you desperately needed to find shelter?  While murder of a fellow citizen may not be the driving force, homicide of our spirits may be.  There are seasons when we face such desolation and misery we just need to find a place to escape to, a place where we will be safe and secure while we sort through our troubles.

Sometimes these seasons are referred to as sabbaticals, times when we can retreat and fall back into the arms of Jesus while we allow him sort through all the garbage of our life and get down to the facts. God commanded His people centuries ago to provide a place of refuge for those who need a safe 'time-out'.  Do you have a place to go when the world closes in on you?  Do you have a refuge - a place to fall to pieces while Jesus pulls you back together?  Seek one.

Read Joshua 20 here

Listen to Joshua 20 here

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