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Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Joshua 19:49-51

The final three verses in Joshua 19 tell much about this diligent leader's personality.  His way, his heart and his manner parallel that of our leader, Jesus.  A true servant of the people, Joshua took his share last. The allotment process is finished and God's will had been accomplished.

There is much to be learned from this man called Joshua who walked alongside Moses until the day his mentor died. As a servant of God and His people, Joshua thought of others before himself.  He did not lead for fame or position. His goal was not to win the best land for himself as we learn from one commentary.

"Joshua’s choice of land further reveals his humility. He asked for Timnath Serah, a city in the rugged, infertile, mountainous district of his own tribe (Ephraim), when he could have appropriated land in the fairest and most productive area of Canaan."
— Bible Knowledge Commentary

This fact paints a portrait of not only a strong and effective leader, and powerful general, but also of a builder.  Joshua was ready to work his new land into a homestead. I have learned much about our God and the man he chose to lead His people into the Promised Land.  During the past week in Chapter 19, we have experienced a number of lessons.

In Joshua 19:1-9 we read of the importance of caring for one another; of sharing our bounty
In Joshua 19:10-16 we discover God's faithfulness to His Word, as prophecies unfold before our eyes
In Joshua 19:17-23 the value of healthy boundaries which help to keep us safe and sane is revealed
In Joshua 19:24-39 a lesson in recognizing our idols and casting them aside for the One True God
In Joshua 19:40-48 we see how important is our name and our family traditions

Just a little review as we prepare to move forward.

Read Joshua 19:49-51 here

Listen to Joshua 19:49-51 here

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So grateful and blessed to read from you.