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Saturday, August 11, 2012

Joshua 22:11-20

(Yesterday) We read how people jumped to conclusions without first getting all the facts.  They assumed the worst instead of trusting. But, when we read further we learn that their next steps were smarter and filled with wisdom.

The Israelite nation did learn from their mistakes of the past.  They remember how some of their practices brought the displeasure of God and therefore punishment and severe consequences. The people were most likely recalling all the pain and heartache the sins of Achan caused; the death and destruction one man's greed brought upon an entire family.

When they learned of the 'imposing altar' built by the Eastern Tribe, the people of Israel feared the worst.  They acted immediately, they didn't wait and see, they didn't deny a possible situation, they faced it head on. A member of each tribe went to the Reubenites, Gadites and the half-tribe of Manasseh and met with them.  It was during this meeting they learned the truth.

We, the reader, has still much to learn about the final outcome of this encounter.  What we know so far is that our behaviors are similar to those of the Israelites.  Human nature hasn't changed that much.  We just have the advantage of knowing more history.  Even though history so often repeats itself, we have to think that some day we will see the past and learn from it.  We will learn from other's mistakes and not have to endure pain and/or punishment that could have been avoided.

Read Joshua 22:11-20 here

Listen to Joshua 22:11-20 here

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