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Sunday, August 5, 2012

Joshua 7:1-15 (Sin of Achan)


He disobeyed God’s commands. Because of this, the Israelites and Achan's family paid an incredible price!

When the walls of Jericho came tumbling down in accordance with God’s plan, the Israelites were given specific directions to burn the whole city, but keep the “devoted things” such as gold, silver, bronze and iron, in a treasury for the Lord. God knew that not all of the Israelites followed His directive for nothing can be hidden from God. He went to Joshua who was face down on the ground before the arc of the covenant, in great despair because of an incredible loss during battle. “Stand up! What are you doing down on your face? Israel has sinned; they have violated my covenant, which I commanded them to keep. They have taken some of the devoted things; they have stolen, they have lied, they have put them in their own possession. That is why the Israelites cannot stand against their enemies…..”  Until this wrong was righted, the Israelites didn’t have a prayer.

When we spend time in the word, and are on the right track with our savior, doesn't life go along much more smoothly? Perhaps there’s something to that. Certainly our lives are not perfect and easy, but ponder a bit, how much worse things could be, and likely have been in the past when we have lost sight of God’s purpose for us. Do we not determine our own future, by making the choice to follow or not follow God’s commands? He is all knowing regarding our actions and the true intentions of our hearts, despite our efforts to hide from God and the rest of the world. We cannot change the fate of Achan and the other Israelites effected by his sin, but we can certainly redirect our own paths with the knowledge that we are transparent to the Lord. His promises are forever and true, as are His expectations. 

Read Joshua 7:1-15 here
Listen to Joshua 7:1-15 here

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