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Monday, August 6, 2012

Joshua 21:27-33

God always has a plan.  It has been the same plan since the first day of creation; to have you and me forever at His side in Heaven.  Each of our journeys is unique, each of our destinies is different, and each of our timing is fashioned specifically for us.  My pain is not yours, nor is yours the same as mine.  The same is true for our paths out of our pain.  Each of us has a different road to travel, but the destination is the same.

I still found myself wondering as I read the chapters in Joshua, “why is this so important?  Why take up so many chapters in Scripture for all these facts and figures?”  Why does the division of the land, the allotment of same to the various tribes and then the allowances from the tribe's allotments for the Levites deserve so much space in God’s Word?  It did not come together for me, the reasoning behind this, until I read from Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary.  Then the light bulb came one.

By mingling the Priests with the tribes, these clans began to comprehend that all Israel was watching.  We experience that too.  Once our neighbors and non-believing friends and coworkers know we are Christian they watch us.  The people of God were more mindful of their own walk; their behavior became important and they were concerned to walk so that their ministry might not be blamed. We do the same.

There was another method to this plan; God had mingled the Levites (Priests) among His people so they would not forget who led them to this Promised Land. God kept religion among them thereby giving us, hundreds of years later, the same God of love and mercy and grace.

Read Joshua 21:27-33 here

Listen Joshua 21:27-33 here

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