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Sunday, September 2, 2012

Hebrews 11

By Faith

Do you realize you are a person of great faith? It's true. You have faith in many things, just as we all do. For example in the morning when you step into the shower you trust the water will be there for you. As you drive to work you trust that oncoming drivers will not suddenly veer into your path. As you step into the living room you flick the light switch with faith that the room will be brightened.

The author of Hebrews tells us faith is like that. It's being sure of things you hope for without having them yet. It's being certain that unseen things are very real. Notice that faith is not just positive thinking. It is more than intuition. Faith must have worthy focus or else it's merely a blind hunch. When God asks you to trust Him, he isn't asking you to take a blind leap. Faith in God is built on evidence He has provided us, which includes fulfilled prophecy, eyewitness reports, and historical and archeological confirmations of the bible's trustworthiness; God's insight into human nature as seen in the pages of scripture. Jesus' resurrection from the dead (which confirmed his supernatural credentials), and the changed lives of believers down through history are just a couple of examples.

Since you already live by faith in many areas of your life, why not put your full confidence in God instead of all the other less reliable things that you depend on daily? If we walk by faith in God, rather than the things of this world, we have an eternal guarantee, and an eternity is a very, very long time.

Read Hebrews 11 here
Listen to Hebrews 11 here

1 comment:

Judy Webb said...

Hebrews 11 is one of my favorite Chapters in Scripture. I just love the picture painted there. Faith is so much more than just believing, it is living life to the fullest. Thanks for your words and the reminder. ---Big Sis