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Monday, September 3, 2012

The Story - Chapter 3 - Genesis 37

Why did God give Joseph's those dreams if they would only get him into trouble?  I have so many questions about this story.  Pride, preference, deception, and violence greet us early on in the story.  Talk about family dysfunction, this story has it all.  I know favoritism exists in families, having experienced it myself.  My father’s parents did little to hide the fact they loved the children of one of their daughter’s more than the rest of the kids.

Genesis 37:3 (NIV)
“Now Israel loved Joseph more than any of his other sons, because he had been born to him in his old age; and he made a richly ornamented robe for him.”

But, by the same token, my mother’s parents favored us.  So the story of Jacob’s preference for Joseph over his eleven brothers is credible.  The fact that Joseph was the baby of the family just adds fuel to the flame.  While this is normal in families, most similar situations do not end in attempted murder.

The significance for me in this story is in the questions it raises for me.  If this situation did not exist, if the brothers had not sold Joseph into slavery, what would our life look like today?  Did this action thousands of years ago impact history?  I am sure that how I act today not only affects those around me now, but my descendants also.

Genesis 37:36 (NIV)
Meanwhile, the Midianites sold Joseph in Egypt to Potiphar, one of Pharaoh's officials, the captain of the guard.”

Slavery changed Joseph, and he grew up and matured, losing the selfish ways of a child. Had he been allowed to grow up at home he most likely would have grown out of his exasperating behavior, most of us do.  Regardless, Joseph was used by God in a very big way, but he had much to endure before the entire story would unfold.

Picture a parallel; we have much to endure, many hardships to face before God uses us fully.  He has a plan for each one of us and every morning we wake up and place our feet on the ground, is one more opportunity to fulfill that plan.

Read Genesis 37 here

Listen to Genesis 37 here

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