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Thursday, September 6, 2012

The Story - Chapter 3 - Genesis 43-44

There is so much family drama in these two chapters, the story reads true of all life. I don't know about you, but there are seasons when drama is the norm around me. It has been years since Joseph has seen his family, since his brothers betrayed him and allowed their father to think Joseph were dead.

Now, after many years his brothers are standing before him and it brings Joseph to tears a number of times. The emotional anguish had to have been crushing; the memories resurrected from his last encounter with them brought back as though it were yesterday.

Genesis 42:21 (NIV)

“They said to one another, "Surely we are being punished because of our brother. We saw how distressed he was when he pleaded with us for his life, but we would not listen; that's why this distress has come upon us."

The brothers were not untouched either. Their guilty consciences were starting to take over and they began wondering if their past actions account for their present trouble.

It is impossible to understand just what feelings were aroused in Joseph, but throughout he appeared as the powerful ruler he was. Is there any history in your family line that parallels this picture? Not the ‘coming back from the dead’ part, but the unlikely family reunion. The powerful example of forgiveness and repentance we read in these pages is enough to bring a tear to anyone reading.

The history these siblings shared, the secrets they harbored were coming to the surface and soon would be revealed. While these happenings are very painful and difficult to live through – we do live through them. Just the nature of freeing our hearts and minds from the painful past removes the heavy burdens of guilt we drag along behind us.

Keep reading, it just gets better because God is good…all the time.
Read Genesis 43-44 here

Listen to Genesis 43-44 here

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