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Monday, September 10, 2012

The Story - Chapter 4 - Exodus 1-2

The Start of Something Big 
God had promised Abraham he would be the Father of many nations; that promise has come to pass. The Israelites, now living in Egypt because of the famine, were growing in number, so much so that the new Pharaoh was afraid of their numbers and fearful these people would turn against him. This was the beginning of years of oppression and slavery for God’s chosen people.

Exodus 2:16-17 (NIV)
“Now a priest of Midian had seven daughters, and they came to draw water and fill the troughs to water their father's flock. Some shepherds came along and drove them away, but Moses got up and came to their rescue and watered their flock.”

Through a series of events, Moses was born in captivity, saved by royalty, and escaped to his destiny. Moses’ journey of faith has begun. Living in a strange land, Moses marries Zipporah, has a son Gershom, and took on the role of sheepherder. For 40 years Moses lived and worked in this region, gaining valuable knowledge of the topography of the area, which would later be helpful as he leads the Israelites in that wilderness, as the Bible Knowledge Commentary points out.

Have you ever felt the Hand of God upon your life like this?  Can you look back and see where God was suggesting you step next.  We have free will, so we never have to move in the direction He is pointing, but when we do, things happen.  In the moment, we might not feel as though these ‘things’ are so good. There could be pain or separation involved.  But, when we look back and examine the road we have traveled, it will begin to come clear.

We have our entire life to learn how to become God’s instrument.  He is fine-tuning us, teaching us and preparing our hearts to do His work.  We have the same assignment as Moses; to lead His people home.

Read Exodus 1-2 here

Listen to Exodus 1-2 here

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