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Wednesday, September 19, 2012

The Story - Chapter 5 - Exodus 24

Human nature gets blamed for many of the ills of this world. We attribute disobedience and rebellion as the path to maturity. When our children act out we are not surprised but shrug our shoulders and say, “kids will be kids.” As our offspring mature and enter adolescence they step up the revolt and may experiment with drugs, alcohol or sex and still our response is, “they need to get it out of their systems.”

When Moses was given the Law by God he then communicated to God’s people those decrees and explained the expectations. The people willingly complied and assured Moses they understood all he had said to them.

Exodus 24:3 (MSG)
“So Moses went to the people and told them everything GOD had said—all the rules and regulations. They all answered in unison: "Everything GOD said, we'll do."

Moses worked with the people, explaining the Book of the Covenant. He made certain they understood what God demanded of them regarding worship. Moses prepared the people, telling them all God had told him, so if they did not understand or agree, they should speak up and ask questions.

Exodus 24:7 (MSG)
“Then he took the Book of the Covenant and read it as the people listened. They said, "Everything GOD said, we'll do. Yes, we'll obey."

When we are ‘in the moment’, we make promises which at the time seem reasonable. We are confident we can fulfill our words. Our minds cannot even conjure up a scenario where we would not do as we said we would. The possibility of rescinding a promise does not enter into the equation. Then it happens, our world is shaken, or an event takes place that shatters our security and we forget.

It becomes so important to take care of ourselves, we ignore others. Our sinful human nature takes over. The fact we can turn on a dime like this is reason to keep close to God. It sounds trite and seems unproductive, but when tragedy strikes or catastrophe occurs, it is the relationship with our God that will remain constant. It is the hand of God that will guide, protect and comfort us during the storm.

Read Exodus 24 here

Listen to Exodus 24 here

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