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Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The Story - Chapter 5 - Exodus 20

Finally, rules to follow. If you are anything like me you need to know what is expected of you, you need guidelines to follow and a clear path identified before you. Life is much simpler for me when I can just do what is expected and required and not have to wonder if I am doing the right thing. Not everyone is wired like this. I have personally known (and lived with) people to whom rules do not apply. They are more free spirited and spontaneous – that works for them, not me.

God provided, through his servant Moses, the Ten Commandments. These commandments established for God’s people, rules to live by. These rules provide boundaries to follow, and clear paths to pursue. The Israelites no longer had to wonder what to do for God to look upon them with favor. These Ten Commandments removed all doubt and uncertainty regarding right and wrong.

Exodus 20:18 (NIV)

“When the people saw the thunder and lightning and heard the trumpet and saw the mountain in smoke, they trembled with fear. They stayed at a distance”

The manner in which God prepared the way for His people to receive and hear for the first time about the right way to live, is interesting.

Life Application Study Bible puts it this way, "Sometimes God speaks to his people with a majestic display of power; at other times he speaks quietly. Why the difference? God speaks in the way that best accomplishes his purposes. At Sinai, the awesome display of light and sound was necessary to show Israel God's great power and authority. Only then would they listen to Moses and Aaron."

Which of God’s voices are you hearing during this season? Is God’s voice thundering around you and is He commanding your attention with loud fanfare and noise, or is it necessary to quiet the sounds around you in order to hear? God will do what it takes to have our ears opened to His commands. Don’t be afraid, God isn’t trying to scare us, only confirm that He is God and we are not.

Read Exodus 20 here

Listen to Exodus 20 here

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