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Wednesday, October 31, 2012

All Saints' Day focus - Luke 23:32-43

With Me in Paradise

We are right back to our discussion from Monday about believing and exhibiting faith. The story of the two criminals on crosses alongside Jesus is thought provoking. But, I have to admit I have not given them much consideration until now. What was the difference in these two men? Why did one ridicule and reject Jesus and the other man defend and deify Him. This is curious at the very least.

There is probably quite a story behind both these men, but anything I list here would be pure fiction and we are striving for truth. So, the truth is some will embrace Jesus and some will not. The wonderful fact here is Jesus will embrace each and every one of us when we turn to Him. Hence, His words below add power to this statement.

Luke 23:42-43 (NIV)
“Then he said, "Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom." Jesus answered him, "I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in paradise."

How does this story tie in to All Saint’s Day focus? We get to witness the forgiving love and grace of our LORD in this account. One man, a criminal who has earned a death sentence for his actions, has eyes to see truth. This man humbled himself and swallowed all pride to exclaim Jesus’ innocence while conceding his own guilt. The other man was bitter merciless. One can only imagine his crimes.

That said, both men had opportunity but only one had courage to confess and ask Jesus to remember him. Both men saw Jesus, but only one recognized Him. That man is most certainly with Him in paradise.

Read Luke 23:32-43 here

Listen to Luke 23:32-43 here

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