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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

The Story - Chapter 10 - 1 Samuel 8-10

Do you prefer to work under the direct supervision of someone or are you more of an independent person, functioning best on your own? We are all wired differently and it is good to know this.

Samuel was a prophet of the LORD but “as he grew old he appointed his sons as judges for Israel.” (1 Samuel 8:1) This was not a good decision as his sons turned aside after dishonest gain and accepted bribes…” (1 Samuel 8:3)

The people of Israel were crying out for a King. They wanted to be ruled like all the other countries were ruled. We always seem to want what everyone else has…until we get it. God heard the cry of His people; He comforted Samuel by assuring him the people were not rejecting him. The people were rejecting God.

I can’t begin to count the number of times I have wanted something to be a certain way, only to get my wish and then regret it. This will often happen when I don’t seek after God’s will for me. I am learning that I need to pray for guidance all the time. I need to ask God what His will is before plowing ahead. This can be as simple as asking Him to close doors and block my way if I am not going in the direction He has laid out.

1 Samuel 10:22 (NIV)
So they inquired further of the LORD, "Has the man come here yet?" And the LORD said, "Yes, he has hidden himself among the baggage."
I am still trying to figure out what this verse is saying. Perhaps Saul was humble and feeling ill-prepared for this honor. Maybe he was a little bit afraid that he was in over his head and nowhere near prepared for such an assignment as King. When we feel similar emotions we need to count on God and not ourselves. If he chose us, he will equip us.
Read 1 Samuel 8-10 here

Listen to 1 Samuel 8-10 here

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