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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

The Story - Chapter 10 - 1 Samuel 11

When I was a child my sister and I fought all the time. I think one of us only had to look cross-eyed at the other and we were ready to do battle. By the same token, if someone outside the family tried to hurt me or my sister, we were right at each other’s side ready to duke it out if necessary.

1 Samuel 11:6 (NIV)

“When Saul heard their words, the Spirit of God came upon him in power, and he burned with anger.”

Yesterday our reading found Saul hiding among the supplies as Samuel was preparing to cast lots among the tribes to determine who would be king. Today we find Saul filled with righteous indignation, preparing to do battle with a people who were threatening to bring disgrace on all Israel. The Holy Spirit used Saul’s anger to bring justice and freedom.

When we see a situation that is begging for a champion to step forward that nudge we feel could be God prompting us to step up and step in. On those occasions when we are witness to an injustice and we feel angered by this wrong, we need to ask God how we can channel that anger in constructive and useful ways to help bring about a positive change.

Read 1 Samuel 11 here

Listen to 1 Samuel 11 here

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