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Friday, October 12, 2012

The Story - Chapter 8 - Judges 13

I am beginning to get an entirely new picture of the men of the Bible. Until now I considered these characters as saints, men of integrity and honor. I viewed their stories on the surface only, looking at their accomplishments and often times miraculous situations. I knew God worked through them, but gave little regard to the person. Because my study time now is taking me deeper into The Story, an entirely different viewpoint is emerging.

While most of these Biblical heroes we are walking with as we explore The Story were Godly, they also had their faults and some of them were huge. During some seasons of their lives, sin engulfed them. Like us, they dealt with a world filled with temptations which pulled them away from God and the path He laid out before them. Day after day we are reading the words, “Again the Israelites did evil in the eyes of the LORD…” (Judges 13:1)

While this distresses my spirit it also provides a little relief. If the men God used to further His kingdom were flawed and sin-filled then there is hope for me too. If David can be known as A Man after God’s own Heart after his adulterous and murderous actions, then there is hope for me. All of the character’s we are reading about sinned, some of their actions make us cringe; but God used them anyway and perhaps even more so.

While it seems to be an endless theme of sin, repentance, forgiveness; sin, repentance, forgiveness; there is a similar refrain of God using the faulted and imperfect people to build His nation. Recognizing our flaws and acknowledging our evil practices allows us to approach the throne of God seeking His righteousness.

When I turned to God and ask for His mercy to fall on me, I have the assurances of His unconditional love and know that His grace will cover me. I need only turn from my worldly ways and walk away from my past toward the future He holds out to me.

Read Judges 13 here

Listen to Judges 13 here

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