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Saturday, October 13, 2012

The Story - Chapter 8 - Judges 14-15

It is Saturday morning and I have company; two of my grandsons spent the night. Thus, I am a bit late in getting this post up, but sometimes there are things that take priority. I still read the story about Samson, pondered what I wanted to share, but because of the distraction it is taking longer for a ‘point’ to surface.

As a child, I heard the Samson and Delilah tale a number of times but never in the light of reality. Samson was portrayed as a great man, a hero and roll model for all. Somehow I learned that Delilah was the love of his life and the perfect mate. As an adult I recognize that is not factual. Samson was flawed and sinful the same as you and I.

God had set Samson apart from other people because he had an assignment for Him. His mother was instructed during her pregnancy with him, not to touch anything with grapes.

Judges 13:4-5 (NIV)
“ Now see to it that you drink no wine or other fermented drink and that you do not eat anything unclean, because you will conceive and give birth to a son. No razor may be used on his head, because the boy is to be a Nazirite, set apart to God from birth, and he will begin the deliverance of Israel from the hands of the Philistines."

Samson had an assignment from God, a special task only he could accomplish.

I was at a writer’s conference a few months ago and the keynote speaker shared this thought in depth with us. She said we all have a job God wants us to do, we all have a story only we can tell. If we don’t step up to the plate, our story will go untold. If we don’t listen to God and obey the commands He gives our hearts, others will suffer the loss; our story will never be heard.

Read Judges 14-15 here

Listen to Judges 14-15 here

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