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Sunday, October 21, 2012

The Story - Chapter 9 - Ruth 4

Boaz was a man of character, God fearing and kind. He was also considered wealthy in those times. Sounds like a good catch! Boaz noticed Ruth back in chapter 2. He looked out for her, making sure she was safe and directed her to stay with his servant girls, knowing she would remain near and unharmed. It is unlikely he thought of her as a potential mate, as they were not likely compatible regarding their ages. 

Ruth was a stranger in this land; a Moabite, part of a group that was enemy to the Israelites.  Ruth became a Christ follower and accompanied Naomi to Bethlehem with very sincere intentions. She did not want Naomi to be alone. She vowed to stay with her, take care of her and follow her God, the God of Israel.

When Ruth originally made her commitment to Naomi and Naomi’s God, she had no way of knowing where that commitment would lead. God rewarded her faithfulness well beyond her lifetime. The Lord enabled Ruth to conceive a son. The text indicates that Naomi was given this infant to care for. He was to become her kinsman-redeemer, care for her in her old age, and become famous throughout Israel. He was named Obed. He was the father of Jessie, the father of David, King David—of “David and Goliath”. King David was one of the direct ancestors of the Messiah.

God has always had long range plans in place. The bible often refers to genealogy, family lines. They are important. In Matthew, the first book of the New Testament, the whole first page is devoted to the genealogy of Jesus. It begins; Abraham was the father of Isaac, Isaac the father of Jacob, Jacob the father of Judha……… It appears boring at first glance, yet holds so much promise, which is what the Lord intends. We all have heritage and genealogy that is significant. Please acknowledge your past, as it is essential for the future of your family, and all  the family of the Lord.

Read Ruth 4 here

Listen to Ruth 4 here

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