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Friday, November 2, 2012

All Saints' Day focus - Revelation 21:1-5

The New Jerusalem

It is very hard to imagine a world with no suffering, pain, sorrow or trials.  The older we get, it becomes even more difficult to get a picture of what that might look like. But, as the body ages and begins to deteriorate in ways we never dreamed, the idea of a new body is appealing. 

Revelation 21:1 (NIV)
Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea.

The words, “and there was no longer any sea,” caught my attention.  I don’t believe I ever read those words before now.  Looking into it a little bit I found that the sea was viewed as dangerous and changeable.  It was also the source of the beast.  The fact that even the sea will be no more means everything that causes me stress, or worry or anxiety, will be gone.  Only perfection will inhabit the New Earth.  Only new and perfect bodies will live on the New Earth.

When we become believers now, God does a new thing in us, but we are still not perfect and neither is our life.  We have broken bodies and bruised emotions.  Our world has not changed, only our outlook and our future have changed.  God has instilled in us a new hope, and we have access to a new joy—all of which come from a relationship with Jesus.

This relationship with Jesus guarantees we will be inhabitants of The New Jerusalem.  All Saint’s Day is a day which celebrates the lives of these citizens of a perfect world.  In that perfect world we will be reunited.

Read Revelation 21:1-5 here

Listen to Revelation 21:1-5 here

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