Mark 4:9 (NIV)
"Then Jesus
said, "He who has ears to hear, let him hear."
These words can and will change your life; it did mine. For years I attended church, thought I understood what it meant to be a follower of Jesus, to be Christian, but in fact I was clueless. It was all 'act' and no 'fact'.
I put on the face, said and did what I thought everyone expected. I volunteered, took center stage and led, but, I did it without heart; it was all an act.
One day, but I can't give you a date, everything changed. There was no fanfare, I just began to change. I do remember being tired of the way I lived. I did not feel like there was a lot of purpose or joy to life. I decided to try something different. I went into my home office, closed the door and began to read a book on prayer. Then I tried to pray. I did this for a number of weeks when I added journal writing during to this quiet time. That is when it all began to change for me; and I mean all.
Life Application Bible Notes explains Mark 4:9 this way. The hearing Jesus wants from us is not the kind we use when we listen to background music or when someone starts to recount a long story we've already heard. To truly "hear" Jesus' words is to believe them, to use them immediately in decisions and attitudes, and to base life on them—your recreation and work, family plans and money matters, praying and singing. To hear Jesus' words is to make Jesus your true Lord. (Bold emphasis mine.)
What is Jesus saying to you? Faith, trust and hope are the words that keep me moving forward every time I hear God's Word for me. What about you? Do you have a story to tell us?
Read Mark 4-6 here
Listen to Mark 4-6 here
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