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Thursday, April 4, 2013

The Story - Chapter 28 - New Beginnings

Then Peter said, "Silver or gold I do not have, but what I have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk." (Acts 3:6) 

For years this crippled beggar sat at the same spot; he was a recognized fixture on the same street corner. He had no expectations but to earn a few coins, he had no thoughts of ever walking on his own. He had no reason to think his life could ever be different than it had been to this point. Then he met Peter.

For years many of us get up each morning, get our kids ready for school, pack lunches and then walk out our front door to begin another day. There is no reason to expect that tomorrow will be any different from today. There isn't much hope of excitement or fun; we don't plan that today could be so different from yesterday. Then something happens and nothing is ever the same again. Jesus enters our lives.

He may enter following a harrowing incident, an illness or loss, a chance meeting or a close encounter; whatever it is, lives change because of it. God begins to work in mysterious ways, providing answers to questions we had never asked before. Questions like, "Is this all there is?" "Why me?" At just that moment in time there is a stranger waiting to help, prepared to share about Jesus.

For the lame man begging outside the temple gate, that moment was now. There was a chance encounter with Peter and John. The beggar asked them for money and was given so much more. He only wanted a coin and he received a miracle. He had spent many years asking for so little, he never considered asking for more. But in the name of Jesus, he was given more.

We serve a great big God and our prayers and petitions should reflect that. Do we only ask for a coin when we could pray for healing? Do we only think God will cure our body when He wants to cure our hearts too? Think big, believe big, and pray big.

Read Acts 3:1-10 here

Listen to Acts 3:1-20 here

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