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Monday, April 22, 2013

The Story - Chapter 31 - The End of Time

The time is near.  We have heard Jesus say that a number of times.  We feel it too, in our everyday lives we rush to get things done because there is a sense of running out of time.

But, whose concept of time are we talking about.  Time to us usually refers to today or tomorrow.  We are waiting for something to happen and we tend to look down the road a few days or weeks.

When Jesus says the end is near His concept of time is so much different.  A day to us could be 10,000 to Him.  When we consider He always was, is and shall be forever more, time takes on an entirely new meaning.  I have often felt that our world was heading for an end, that Scripture would be fulfilled in a lifetime not too far off.

But reality is that neither you nor I have any idea and there is nothing going on today that didn't go on hundreds or thousands of years ago.  History does repeat itself and we are probably just in another repetitious cycle.  Only God, not even Jesus, knows when...and that is quite alright by me.  The time is near, but whose calendar are we observing. The time is near; it would be wise to be ready.

Read Revelation 1:1-11

Listen to Revelation 1:1-11

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