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Thursday, May 23, 2013

Matthew 25:1-30 - Be Prepared

What are you good at?  What do you love to spend your time doing?  Are they the same?  Part of the Scripture reading for today tells the familiar Parable of the Talents.  It is interesting that I never read this before and thought about our Spiritual Gifts.  In the past I looked at this story as a teaching on taking care of what we have, protecting our resources and preparing for the future.

While this is partly true, today upon reading this I was reminded of our Spiritual Gifts and the command to use them for the good of everyone.  As Believers we have been given certain gifts that are to be used to grow God's kingdom.  For instance you may be very good at opening your house and inviting people in.  You probably have a passion for helping others and you do it well.

Matthew 25:15 (NIV) 
To one he gave five talents of money, to another two talents, and to another one talent, each according to his ability. Then he went on his journey. 

Another one of us might be drawn to pray for each other. We feel so comfortable in God's presence and yearn to be praying for those around us.  Still another may love to teach; whether in front of a classroom filled with bright-eyed children or in a nursing home share God's love with the elderly or disabled.

What ever the gift, what ever the passion we have been given, we are called to share it with one another.  By sharing in this manner and using our precious gifts we are preparing for Christ's return.  Our obedience is preparing ourselves and it is preparing others for this great and glorious day which is yet to come.

Read Matthew 25:1-30

Listen to Matthew 25:1-30

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