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Sunday, June 23, 2013

Galatians 5: 1, 13-25

Changed by God’s Grace

“Love your neighbor as yourself.” We have heard this verse a multitude of times, yet still do not abide by it. Why is it so difficult? Forgiveness seems to be an incredible challenge for many of us. Looking beyond the situation and attempting to understand the person seldom happens. We simply judge them in the moment.

We are far more willing to forgive and gently redirect children than other adults. Young people disobey us, and we talk with them. They repeat the offense, and we may limit their privileges, but do not disown them. We redirect their behavior time and time again with a loving heart, yet when it comes to adults making mistakes that cross or offend us in some way, we judge their actions and discontinue the relationship.

God sees us as His children, perhaps that is why He is able to forgive us again and again and still love us. He recognizes our imperfections and holds on to us just the same, even when we disregard His will, knowing full well what He commands. Does feeling angry, bitter or resentful do something for our humanness that offers us a sense of control? Is it possible that judging or holding a grudge gives us comfort of some kind? Galatians 5: 22 “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self control.” 

Rather than focusing on the wrongs of others, and accusing them of not following God’s directives, perhaps we need to free ourselves, and instead recall God’s Grace toward us. Burdening our hearts with the actions of others is futile, but calling upon the Holy Spirit to help us change by God’s Grace, and asking God to enter into the life of others is most pleasing to our Father.

Read/Listen to Galatians 5:1

Read/Listen to Galatians 5: 13-25

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