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Sunday, July 14, 2013

Psalm 46

Prayer is Whispering

Shhhhh, when you want to get someone’s attention,…… whisper.
It is amazing how hard others will try to hear what you are saying if you speak in a soft, quiet voice. If it’s being whispered it most certainly must be very secret, very important, or both. Our volume, intonation, pitch, etc. all contribute to the message we are trying to convey. God knows our heart, yet expects us to put our whole self into the messages we send Him. When we are hurting, we need to let him know, if circumstances have us at our wits end, sharing that with the Lord is what he wants us to do. During the times we have much to rejoice and be thankful for, He invites us to turn to Him giving grateful thanks and praise, and perhaps even an “Alleluia!”

Psalm 46:11 “The Lord Almighty is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress.” He waits for us to clearly understand that He is always here for us and wants us to communicate with Him.

Just as there is a time for every season, so there is a time to shout to the Lord, and a time to send him a quiet whisper. Our God loves it when we sing out in praise and worship as we raise our hands to Him who has delivered us. He also patiently waits for us to…… here is that line again; “Be still, and know that I am God.”

What is most important is what is in our heart. When it’s time to sing out and lift our voice, hands and eyes upward, we are to do so. When the time is right to quietly cry out to God, or whisper our heart’s longings without saying a word aloud, God hears us just the same.

Please listen to “Better than a Hallelujah” by Amy Grant  THIS IS AWESOME! 

Listen to/Read Psalm 46  This is AWESOME TOO! 

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