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Friday, August 30, 2013

2 Corinthians 5

2 Corinthians 5:7 (NIV)  We live by faith, not by sight. 

These seven words are a real mouthful.  To live by faith means to never worry...oops.  To live by faith means I trust in God and His perfect timing...oops.  To live by faith means there is nothing I fear, nothing that will keep me awake at night, nothing that causes me to be afraid of tomorrow. I work on this daily, you too?

Hebrews 11:1 (NIV) Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. 

There they are again, words that paint a picture of perfect peace.  Faith is not visual, faith is a heart thing. Faith is a Spiritual gift, a precious confidence in God's Word.  For me faith is experienced, felt, learned and finally embraced.

When I want to understand faith better I turn to Hebrews chapter 11.  This section of scripture reveals the faith of our Fathers'.  The words are like music and they read like a beautiful story with the happiest of endings.  Read through Hebrews 11 here and see if you don't agree.

2 Corinthians 5

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